Map of Russia

Map of Armavir

Detailed interactive map of Armavir. Map of Armavir with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Armavir with sights of the city.

The change between the satellite map of Armavir and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.


Population of Armavir: 187,215 people (2021)
Date of foundation of Armavir: 1839
Armavir city phone code: +7 86137
Armavir car area code: 23, 93, 123
Postal code of the city Armavir: 352900

Armavir is a city in the Krasnodar Territory, founded in the 19th century. Divided into three districts, it is surrounded by the mountains of the North Caucasus. Previously, there was an Old Village on the territory of the town. One of the sights of the city, the Cossack Kremlin, located on the banks of the Kuban, reminds of the past centuries.

Armavir districts

Armavir city district, Novokubansky district, Uspensky district, Otradnensky district, Gulkevichsky district, Labinsky district, Kurganinsky district, Mostovsky district.

The economy of Armavir

Armavir has developed the food industry, flour and feed industry, instrumentation, mechanical engineering and metalworking, non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical industries, light industry, production of building materials, pulp and paper and woodworking industries.

Education in Armavir

Armavir's higher education institutions include Armavir State Pedagogical University, a branch of Kuban State University and the Armavir Institute of Mechanics and Technology.

What to see in Armavir

Armavir has the title of a green city, which is attractive for a relaxing holiday in nature. The best place to relax in the bosom of nature is the Kuban forest, teeming with pines and walnuts. There are also green oases in the center of Armavir.

For example, the alley of lovers, which is considered the most romantic place in Armavir, as well as the park of culture and recreation. The Orthodox culture of the city is reflected in St. Nicholas Cathedral, the main one in the city. It is located in a beautiful square with fountains.

Armavir Sights

City Park, Museum of Local Lore, Monument to the first teacher, Armenian-Gregorian Cathedral, Drama and Comedy Theater named after him. Lunacharsky, the Eternal Flame Memorial, St. Nicholas Cathedral, the Alley of famous Armaviris, the Monument to the Kuban Sailors, the Monument to A.S. Pushkin, the House of S.A. Dangulov.

The largest cities in Russia:

Map of Moscow

Map of Moscow

Map of Saint Petersburg

Map of Saint Petersburg

Map of Novosibirsk

Map of Novosibirsk

Map of Yekaterinburg

Map of Yekaterinburg

Map of Nizhny Novgorod

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Map of Kazan

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Map of Samara

Map of Krasnodar

Map of Krasnodar

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