Detailed interactive map of Samara. Map of Samara with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Samara with sights of the city.
The change between the satellite map of Samara and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.
The population of the city Samara: 1,144,759 people (2021)
Date of foundation of Samara: 1586.
Phone code of the city Samara: +7 846
Samara automobile area code: 63, 163, 763
Postal code of the city Samara: 443xxx
Samara is one of the largest Russian cities. The city of Samara is located on the western bank of the Volga River, where it flows into the Samara River. This advantageous location helped the city to become a center of industry and trade.
Samara's economy
Samara's economy is based primarily on mechanical engineering and heavy industry. Huge factories produce spacecraft, satellites, airplanes, metals, petroleum and agricultural equipment, ball bearings, cables and precision machines. Oil refining and food processing are also the main industries. The city is home to Samara State University, as well as several theaters and museums.
The history of Samara
Samara was founded as a fortress in 1586 to protect the Volga trade route. Soon the city became the main center of trade. In 1935, it was renamed Kuibyshev in honor of the revolutionary communist.
During World War II, when Moscow was threatened by a German attack, many government offices were moved to Kuibyshev, which contributed to its growth. After the war, the city became the center of the Soviet defense industry and was therefore closed to foreigners. In 1991, it was renamed Samara and reopened to the outside world.
The climate in Samara
The temperate continental climate of the city characterizes the weather conditions of Samara as changeable. Winters are moderately cold, and the summer months are very hot, during which the air sometimes warms up to +40 C.
What to see in Samara
The squares of the city are the main attractions of the city of Samara. Some of them are considered the largest in the world. For example, Kuibyshev Square is one of the largest squares in Europe. It occupies the 5th place in the ranking of world squares.
Other squares in Samara are Samarskaya and Khlebnaya. Other historical and architectural monuments of Samara include the mansions of merchants Kurlina and Klodt, city museums, temples and monasteries, as well as the Samara Theater, famous for its performances.
Sights of Samara
Stalin's Bunker, Temple of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Monument of Glory, Samara Zoo, Yuri Gagarin Park, Monument to Comrade Sukhov, Strukovsky Garden, Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Samara Drama Theater named after M. Gorky, Monument to Soldier Schweik, Monument to Yuri Detochkin, Samara Regional Museum of Local Lore named after P. V. Alabina, the Temple of the Kazan Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Monument to the Il-2 Stormtrooper, the Samara Church, the Botanical Garden, the Samara Opera and Ballet Theater, the Holy Resurrection Monastery, the Iversky Convent, the Monument to Chapaev, the Samara Cathedral Mosque, the Samara State Philharmonic, the Museum-Estate of A.N. Tolstoy, the Victoria Water Park.
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