Detailed interactive map of Krasnodar. Map of Krasnodar with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Krasnodar with sights of the city.
The change between the satellite map of Krasnodar and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.
The population of the city Krasnodar: 948,827 people (2021)
Date of foundation of Krasnodar: 1793.
Krasnodar city phone code: +7 861
Automobile code of the city Krasnodar: 23, 93, 123
Postal code of the city Krasnodar: 350000-350921
Krasnodar is a southern city in Russia, which is the regional center of the Krasnodar region. It is also the historical center of the Kuban region. Unofficially, it is called the southern capital of the Russian Federation. The year of Krasnodar's foundation was 1793, but it was granted city status only in 1876. Its original name was Yekaterinodar, but in 1920 it was renamed.
The history of Krasnodar
Founded around 1793 as a Cossack outpost on the Kuban border, it developed as a military town. In 1867, after the Caucasian Wars, it became a city and the center of the fertile Kuban region, and its prosperity increased after the advent of railways in the 1890s.
Economy of Krasnodar
The city's industry is mainly engaged in processing agricultural products of the region, there are also significant machine-building industries. Oil is refined and lubricants are produced.
The city has a grid pattern of streets densely lined with poplars, acacias and plane trees. The city has the Kuban State University (1920), research institutes of agriculture, vegetable fats, canning and petroleum industries; several theaters and museums.
What to see in Krasnodar
One of the most unusual monuments of Russia is located in this city – a hyperboloid openwork structure made of steel. Its author was the famous architect Shukhov. Also, the most notable buildings include: the post office building, the Mariinsky Women's College, the building of the Art Museum, as well as numerous temples, chapels and monasteries.
Sights of Krasnodar
The Shukhov Tower, the Tsar's Gate, the Monument to Catherine II, the House of Scientists, the All-Holy Cemetery, the Krasnodar Regional Exhibition Hall of Fine Arts, the Krasnodar Academic Drama Theater, the Monument to Taras Shevchenko, the Singing Fountain on Theater Square, the Krasnodar Historical and Archaeological Museum, St. Catherine's Cathedral, Holy Trinity Cathedral, the Church of the Nativity, the HolySt. George's Church, Museum of Military Equipment, Krasnodar Embankment, Chistyakovskaya Grove Park, Rope Park, Kissing Bridge, Sunny Island Park, Alexander Triumphal Arch, Catherine Square, Monument to Shurik and Lida, the "Doggie" capital, Moorish house.
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