Map of Russia

Map of Balakovo

Detailed interactive map of Balakovo. Map of Balakovo with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Balakovo with sights of the city.

The change between the satellite map of Balakovo and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.


Population of Balakovo: 187,523 people (2020)
Date of foundation of Balakovo: 1762
The telephone code of the city Balakovo: +7 8453
Car code of the city Balakovo: 64, 164
Postal code of the city Balakovo: 413840

Balakovo is a city located in the Saratov region of Russia on the left bank of the Volga River.

Economy of Balakovo

The main industries in the city are energy, car building, production of fiber materials, ship repair, production of building materials, furniture, rental.

Education in Balakovo

Higher educational institutions in Balakovo include the Balakovo Institute of Engineering and Technology - branch of MEPhI, the Balakovo branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, and the Balakovo branch of the Saratov State Law Academy.

Culture of Balakovo

The city has the Balakovo Drama Theater named after E. A. Lebedev, the Balakovo Theater for Young Spectators, the Balakovo Philharmonic named after M. E. Syropov, the City Exhibition Hall, the Museum of the History of the city, the Balakovo Art Gallery.

What to see in Balakovo

Despite its small size, the city boasts a rich history and ancestral landmarks that make the appearance of the city colorful.

One of the most beautiful architectural styles represented in the city of Balakovo is Baroque. It was in it that the Paisii Maltsev house-museum was built, which opened its doors in the 20th century.

No less beautiful is the Schmidt house, which once belonged to a native German. Most of the Orthodox buildings were destroyed, and only one church in honor of the Holy Trinity of the early 20th century remained intact. Services are still being conducted there today.

Balakovo Embankment is the most picturesque place in the city, which is surrounded by the waters of the Saratov reservoir. His beauty gave Balakovo the title of Venice of Russia.

Sights of Balakovo

The mansion of Paisii Maltsev, the House Museum of V.I. Chapaev, the building of the trading house "A.A.Schmidt and Son", the Museum of the History of the city of Balakovo, the Irgizsky Resurrection Monastery in Beregov, the Estate of Anisim Maltsev, the Church of the Trinity of the Life-Giving Trinity, the Estate of merchant E.S.Ermilin, Fire tower, Art Gallery.

The largest cities in Russia:

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Map of Moscow

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Map of Saint Petersburg

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Map of Yekaterinburg

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Map of Krasnodar

Map of Krasnodar

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