Map of Russia

Map of Bataysk

Detailed interactive map of Bataysk. Map of Bataysk with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Bataysk with sights of the city.

The change between the satellite map of Bataysk and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.


Population of the city Bataysk: 127,444 people (2021)
Date of foundation of Bataysk: 1769
The phone code of the city Bataysk: +7 86354
Car code of the city Bataysk: 61, 161
Postal code of the city Bataysk: 346880-346884, 346886-346889, 346892-346894

Bataysk is a settlement in the Rostov region, which has 120 thousand people. It is located near the regional center – just 15 km from Rostov.

Economy of Bataysk

The city has developed industrial production of concrete, expanded clay concrete, reinforced concrete products, power transmission towers, mobile communication towers, oil storage tanks, repair of construction equipment, cranes, light and food industries.

Transport in Bataysk

From the Bataysk railway station there are lines to Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Azov, Tikhoretsk and Salsk. The M-4 Don highway passes through Bataysk.

Culture of Bataysk

The city has an Urban cultural and leisure Center, the House of Culture of Railway Workers, the City Museum of the History of the city of Bataysk, the City Park of Culture and Recreation named after Lenin.

What to see in Bataysk

The most popular place among the guests of the town is the Historical Museum, consisting of three halls filled with military and historical exhibits.

Since Bataysk is a city with picturesque nature, where residents of Rostov-on-Don often come for the weekend, there is a place to relax. For example, on the banks of the Koisug River, where there are especially many vacationers in the summer.

There are many monuments in the city – both symbols and just decorations of the streets. For example, a bronze sculpture of a deer or a monument to lovers in one of the parks of Bataysk. But the true decoration of the city is the Temple of the Holy Trinity, shining with golden domes. In front of him is a monument to St. Andrew the First–Called.

Sights of Bataysk

The Church of the Holy Trinity and the Monument to St. Andrew the First-Called, Lenin Square and the city Recreation Park, the City Museum of the History of Bataysk, the Monument to St. John the Russian, the Monument to the heroes of the First World War, the Monument to Lenin, Sculptural compositions Peter and Fevronia, Romeo and Juliet, "The Lonely Young Lady", the Memorial of the Great Patriotic War, the Alley of Heroes.

The largest cities in Russia:

Map of Moscow

Map of Moscow

Map of Saint Petersburg

Map of Saint Petersburg

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Map of Yekaterinburg

Map of Yekaterinburg

Map of Nizhny Novgorod

Map of Nizhny Novgorod

Map of Kazan

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Map of Samara

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Map of Krasnodar

Map of Krasnodar

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