Detailed interactive map of Bodaibo. Map of Bodaibo with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Bodaibo with sights of the city.
The change between the satellite map of Bodaibo and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.
Population of Bodaibo: 11,982 people (2020)
Date of foundation of Bodaibo: 1864
Phone code of the city Bodaibo: +7 39561
Bodaibo car area code: 38, 85, 138
Postal code of the city Bodaibo: 666904
Bodaibo is a city, the administrative center of the district of the same name in the Irkutsk region of the Russian Federation (Siberian District). Bodaibo is located in the eastern part of the Irkutsk region, on the right bank of the navigable Vitim River (a large right tributary of the Lena River) at the confluence of the Bodaibo River, 1100 km northeast of the center of the region - Irkutsk; dirt roads to the East Siberian railway – 220 km. The main communication is carried out by airlines and by waterway.
The area of the city of Bodaibo is 11 sq. km. Urban neighborhoods stretch along the river for 5 km, mostly 1-storey wooden buildings interspersed with 2- and 3-storey stone ones.
Transportation to Bodaibo
In the eastern part, within the city limits, there is an airport (950 km to Irkutsk), a river pier and a ferry crossing with the left bank (Bodaibo – Bisyaga) operate.
The economy of Bodaibo
Bodaibo is the main base of the Lensk-Vitim gold mining district – the largest in Russia, the resource reserve of gold is estimated at 3,000 thousand tons.
9 km downstream of the Bodaibo River, in 1968, the Mamakan hydroelectric power station was built, providing the mining villages of the district with electricity. Attractions: the city museum of local lore, and in the area – the Patom crater (a cone-shaped hill with a funnel on top, diameter up to 180 m, height 40 m), discovered in 1951.
Sights of Bodaibo
The Church of the Nativity of Christ, the Bodaibinsky City Museum of Local Lore named after V. F. Vereshchagin, the Monument to the Bereznerites, the Monument to the Gold Miners of the Bodaibinsky district, the Monument to the Steam Locomotive GR No. 352.
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