Map of Russia

Map of Chaikovsky

Detailed interactive map of Chaikovsky. Map of Chaikovsky with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Chaikovsky with sights of the city.

The change between the satellite map of Chaikovsky and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.


The population of the city Chaikovsky: 81,855 people (2021)
Date of foundation of Chaikovsky: 1955
The phone code of the city Chaikovsky: +7 34241
Automobile area code of Chaikovsky: 59, 81, 159
The postal code of the city Chaikovsky: 617760-617766

Chaikovsky is a city on a peninsula in the Perm Region of Russia. The city is located in the Urals, on the banks of the Kama River at the junction of Bashkortostan, Udmurtia and Perm Krai.

Chaikovsky districts

There are 5 districts in Chaikovsky: The Main district (microdistricts: Main, Park, Tekstilshchik, Rechniki), Prikamsky district (microdistricts: Azinsky, Uralsky and Saigatsky), Zavokzalny district, Zavyalovsky district and Zarinsky district (Zarya microdistrict).

The city has developed hydropower (HPP), light industry, food industry, petrochemicals, manufacturing, construction, and gas transportation.

Transport in Chaikovsky

The city has a railway station Saigatka, which goes through Sarapul to the Yekaterinburg — Kazan railway. The Kazan— Izhevsk— Yekaterinburg highway passes through the city. On the way through Votkinsk, you can get to the Kazan — Perm highway. There is a road to Kukushtan. Buses depart from Chaikovsky Bus Station to Yekaterinburg, Perm, Ufa, Izhevsk, to the regions of Udmurtia and Perm Krai.

Education in Chaikovsky

Chaikovsky's higher education institutions include the Chaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, a branch of Perm Technical University and a branch of Perm State Pedagogical University.

Chaikovsky's culture

The city has the Chaikovsky Art Gallery, the Chaikovsky Museum of Local Lore, the Chaikovsky Drama and Comedy Theater, the Chaikovsky Theater for Young Spectators, and the Park of Culture and Recreation.

The history of Chaikovsky

It all started with the construction of the Votkinsk hydroelectric power station. At the same time, the city began to be built. For the first time, Chaikovsky became known as a working settlement in 1956. Since that time, its active development has started. Khrushchev's low-rise houses became the main elements of architecture.

What to see in Chaikovsky

The name of the city is invariably associated with music, which plays an important role for the city, as well as other types of art in general. In the 70s of the last century, music festivals and concerts with the participation of young people from all over the region began to be held in Chaikovsky.

But tourists come to the city not only for the sake of music, but also for the sake of attractions. So, the main monument is the museum "Peasant hut in Saigatka", where you can see the traditional huts of the Old Believers.

Chaikovsky's sights

Embankment of the Kama River, Monument to P.I. Chaikovsky on Chaikovsky Square, Karl Marx Square, Youth Palace, Church of St. George the Victorious, City Park of Culture and Recreation, Stele "Treble Clef", Monument to soldiers who died in local military conflicts in Chaikovsky, Architectural and ethnographic complex "Saigatka", Cultural and Sports Center, Energia Stadium, Swan Lake Art Object, Composer's Box Art Center, Chaikovsky River Port, Chaikovsky Art Gallery, Chaikovsky Museum of Local Lore, Svedomsky Museum.

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