Map of Russia

Map of Dudinka

Detailed interactive map of Dudinka. Map of Dudinka with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Dudinka with sights of the city.

The change between the satellite map of Dudinka and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.


Population of the city of Dudinka: 20,804 people (2020)
Date of foundation of Dudinka: 1667
Dudinka city phone code: +7 39191
Dudinka car area code: 24, 84, 88, 124
The postal code of the city of Dudinka: 647000

Dudinka is located on the right bank of the Yenisei, beyond the Arctic Circle, almost 2,000 kilometers from Krasnoyarsk, and therefore it is perfectly legitimate to belong to the regions of the Far North With a HARSH SUBARCTIC CLIMATE.

Previously, this city was the administrative center of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug, but today it is located in the regional subordination of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of Russia. It is located on the Yenisei River, along its right bank at the confluence of the Dudinka tributary. The city of Dudinka got its name precisely because of this tributary.

Polar nights and days in Dudinka

The polar nights in Dudinka last from November 30th to January 13th. Daylight hours during this period are from 12 to 14 o'clock, the sun does not rise from the horizon these days. The polar day in Dudinka lasts from May 19 to July 25. The sun does not set below the horizon these days. The white nights in Dudinka continue after the polar days until August 17, then the period of twilight nights begins until September 16.

Transport in Dudinka

There is Alykel airport 44 kilometers from Dudinka, in addition, 96 kilometers from Dudinka there is an airport in Norilsk. There is a road and a railway to the airports. There is no land connection with the Russian mainland.

Dudinka has a large international seaport, which is connected with the ports of Murmansk and Arkhangelsk, and in summer with ports in Krasnoyarsk and Dixon.

Dudinka culture

The city has a "City House of Culture", the Arktika Cinema and Leisure Center, the City Folk Art Center, the B. N. Molchanov Children's Art School, and the Taimyr Museum of Local Lore.

The history of Dudinka

According to history, the first mention of the "yasashny winter quarters of Dudino" leaked in 1967. Due to the fact that the Norilsk Combine was actively developing and it required the organization of constant cargo delivery to Murmansk along the Northern Sea Route, and already in 1972 the first experimental Arctic voyage was made, and 6 more years later the icebreaker Captain Sorokin and the nuclear icebreaker Siberia conducted a caravan consisting of diesel engines to Dudinka.electric ships, which marked the opening of year-round navigation, making a qualitative leap for the development of trade.

The time zone of the city of Dudinka fully corresponds to the time zone of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, i.e. the offset is +8 hours, but relative to Moscow time, it is 4 hours less.

Sights of Dudinka

The Taimyr Museum of Local Lore, the Zvezda Monument, the Dudinka Seaport, the Vvedenskaya Church, the City House of Culture, the City Folk Art Center, the Taimyr Ice Arena, the Monument to St. Nicholas of Myra, the Monument to the Helm of the city.

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