Map of Russia

Map of Dzerzhinsk

Detailed interactive map of Dzerzhinsk. Map of Dzerzhinsk with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Dzerzhinsk with sights of the city.

The change between the satellite map of Dzerzhinsk and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.


The population of the city Dzerzhinsk: 227,326 people (2021)
The telephone code of the city Dzerzhinsk: +7 8313
The date of foundation of Dzerzhinsk: 1606
The automobile code of the city Dzerzhinsk: 52, 152

Dzerzhinsk is a locality in the Nizhny Novgorod region with a population of 230 thousand people. In Russia, this city is known as the chemical capital. Until 1927 it was called Chernoe, then until 1929 - the working settlement of Rastyapino, after which it was renamed in 1929 in honor of Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky. The Trans-Siberian Railway runs through the city. The distance from Dzerzhinsk to Nizhny Novgorod is 34 km.

The economy of Dzerzhinsk

The city has a developed manufacturing industry: chemical production, plastics and rubber production, machinery and equipment production, woodworking, food production and light industry.

What to see in Dzerzhinsk

The most symbolic building in Dzerzhinsk is the Chemists' Palace of Culture, built in 1959. This is a leading cultural institution, which has a considerable number of sports sections and a club. There is also a theater hall with a capacity of 900 spectators within the walls of the palace.

A very large place in the city is reserved for spiritual life, so there are seven churches in it that are working and two more that are being built. Dzerzhinsk even has a gymnasium named after St. Sarovsky, which accepted its first students in 2004. If you walk around Dzerzhinsk, you can see many monuments, each of which is dedicated to either an important event or a famous person.

The sights of Dzerzhinsk

Museum of Local Lore, Monument to F.E. Dzerzhinsky, Memorial of Memory, House with a spire, House of Books, Palace of Culture of Chemists, Dzerzhinsky Municipal Drama Theater, Puppet Theater, Arboretum, Petting Zoo "Romashkovo Village", Tornado Fountain, Pyr Lake, Church of the Annunciation, Church ensemble, Shukhov Tower on the Oka, Ambrosiev Nikolaevsky Dudin Monastery, the Church of St. Anthony the Great.

The largest cities in Russia:

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