Detailed interactive map of Igarka. Map of Igarka with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Igarka with sights of the city.
The change between the satellite map of Igarka and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.
Population of Igarka: 4,319 people (2020)
Date of foundation of Igarka: 1929
Igarka city phone code: +7 39172
Igarka car area code: 24, 84, 88, 124
Postal code of Igarka: 663200
Igarka, located beyond the Arctic Circle in the Turukhansky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, can be considered a city by a stretch. Its population is slightly more than 4.3 thousand people. And during the Soviet Union, it was almost four times larger.
Then, mainly by the hands of political scientists, the military and a small number of enthusiasts, Igarka was built up. The distance from Igarka to Krasnoyarsk is 1,330 km. in a straight line or 1800 km. along the Yenisei River.
The economy of Igarka
In the city were built: a ship repair yard; a fish processing plant; several woodworking enterprises. The timber trade brought tangible income. The timber was floated along the Yenisei, processed and exported abroad. There was once a polar theater in Igarka. The city continues to live due to the fact that there are two ports in it. There is an airport in the city.
Ships from the Yenisei Bay enter the seaport. But there are very few of them, the port does not bring income. The port buildings, which have not seen repair for a long time, are being destroyed, foreshadowing its imminent closure.
Cargo and workers are transported to remote oil fields through the airport. The nearest oil and gas field, Vankorskoye, is located 130 km from Igarka. Two hydroelectric power plants are located slightly closer to the city: Ust-Khantayskaya 80 km away and Kureyskaya 90 km away.
In Igarka, with an absolute minimum of winter temperatures exceeding minus 60, it is quite difficult to conduct economic activities. The city belongs to the regions of the Far North in the permafrost zone.
Igarka Attractions
Monument in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Kara operations, the River Bank. Yenisei, Memorial of Glory, LI-2 aircraft, Orthodox Church, "Exposition and Exhibition Center" of the Permafrost Museum, Stele "50 years of Igarka city", Obelisk to Igarchan soldiers who fell during the Great Patriotic War, Bas-relief "Friendship of sailors of all countries", Building of the LPK House of Culture, Graves of fallen pilots, Sea berths.
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