Detailed interactive map of Kamyshin. Map of Kamyshin with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Kamyshin with sights of the city.
The change between the satellite map of Kamyshin and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.
The population of the city Kamyshin: 111,775 people
Date of foundation of Kamyshin: 1668.
Kamyshin city phone code: +7 84457
Automobile area code Kamyshin: 34, 134
Postal code of the city Kamyshin: 403870-403895
Kamyshin is a small town in the very center of the Volgograd region. Its population is 111 thousand people. Kamyshin was officially founded in 1668. The main thing that the town is famous for is its watermelons.
Many centuries ago, watermelons of the largest sizes and the best varieties were grown on its territory, so back in 1722 Peter I himself visited Kamyshin to verify the rumors. Since then, an annual watermelon festival has been held in the city.
The historical center of the city consists of a network of several streets. There are also two of the largest park areas. One of them is the oldest, since it was founded back in 1900. An equally beautiful place in the city is Lenin Street, where there is a House of Culture and a color musical fountain, which in the evening is a unique decoration of the town.
Sights of Kamyshin: "City embankment", "City Park of Culture and Recreation named after Komsomol Volunteers", "Light and Music Fountain", "Museum of Local Lore", "Art Gallery", "Monument to A. Maresyev", "Museum of Aviation Technology", Kamyshinsky Ears Mountains, Shcherbakovsky Nature Park, Drama Theater, St. Nicholas Cathedral.
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