Detailed interactive map of Korolev. Map of Korolev with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Korolev with sights of the city.
The change between the satellite map of Korolev and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.
The population of the city Korolev: 225,299 people (2021)
Date of foundation of Korolev: 1938
The phone code of the city Korolev: +7 495, 496, 498, 499
Automobile area code of Korolev: 50, 90, 150, 190
The postal code of the city Korolev: 141070-141080
Korolev is a Russian city located in the Moscow region, not far from the capital of Russia. It was formed at the beginning of the 20th century. as a working settlement, it was named Kalininsky for a long time in honor of its founder. Today it is a science city, the unofficial space capital of Russia.
The Korolev's economy
The city is dominated by enterprises associated with the Russian space industry, the development of rocket complexes and aviation systems, liquid rocket engines, propulsion systems and their components.
Education in Korolev
Korolev's higher educational institutions include the Faculty of Rocket and Space Technology of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, the University of Technology, a branch of the International Law Institute, the Institute of International Business "Classical Business School", etc.
Distance from Korolev to major cities
By road: Dmitrov ~ 68 km., Dubna ~125 km., Konakovo ~150 km., Tver ~165 km., St. Petersburg ~700 km., Pushkino ~4 km., Sergiev Posad ~47 km., Yaroslavl ~ 221 km., Vologda ~ 427 km., Arkhangelsk ~1200 km., Ivanteevka ~3 km., Fryazino ~ 15 km., Alexandrov ~100 km., Kostroma ~310 km., Sharya ~ 630 km., Kirov ~ 936 km., Perm ~1500 km., Yekaterinburg ~1772 km., Urai ~2300 km., Lobnya ~35 km., Khimki ~29 km., Volokolamsk ~140 km., Pskov ~750 Riga ~ 970 km, Shchelkovo ~ 6 km, Noginsk ~ 42 km, Vladimir ~167 km, Nizhny Novgorod ~ 410 km, Cheboksary ~ 640 km, Kazan ~790 km., Naberezhnye Chelny ~1100 km., Ufa ~1300 km., Chelyabinsk ~1700 km., Mytishchi ~3 km., Moscow ~5 km., Obninsk ~150 km., Kaluga ~215 km., Bryansk ~ 420 km., Lyubertsy ~36 km., Podolsk ~ 66 km., Serpukhov ~132 km., Tula ~210 km., Voronezh ~ 530 km., Volgograd ~990 km., Balashikha ~18 km., Zhukovsky ~52 km., Yegoryevsk ~ 120 km., Kolomna ~135 km., Ryazan ~210 km.
What to see in Korolev
The region in which Korolev is located is considered one of the most environmentally friendly in the Moscow region, so the city has already become a favorite vacation destination for Muscovites. The city is most famous for its museums, each of which is interesting in its own way. What is the cost of the mission control center, which still regulates space flights.
It is also worth visiting the Rocket and Space Corporation Energia and the Royal Museum of Local Lore, where you will not only be able to learn more about the Queen, but also see models of aviation equipment.
Sights of Korolev
Kostino Business and Cultural Center, Alexander Nevsky Chapel, Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Church of Cosmas and Damian, Museum at RSC Energia, Marina Tsvetaeva House Museum, S.N. Durylin House Museum, Losiny Ostrov, Monument to S.P. Korolev and Yu.A. Gagarin in Korolev, Monument to S.P. Korolev, the Historical Museum of the city of Korolev, the Monument "Rocket", the Central City Park named after M.I. Kalinin, Marina Tsvetaeva Park, Kostino Park, the Park "Conquerors of Space".
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