Map of Russia

Map of Lyubertsy

Detailed interactive map of Lyubertsy. Map of Lyubertsy with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Lyubertsy with sights of the city.

The change between the satellite map of Lyubertsy and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.


Population of Lyubertsy: 208,397 people (2021)
Date of foundation of Lyubertsy: 1623
Lyubertsy city phone code: +7 495, 496, 498
Lyubertsy car area code: 50, 90, 150, 190
The postal code of the city Lyubertsy: 140xxx

Lyubertsy is a city near Moscow, which was founded in 1623 as a village of the same name. It became a city only in 1921. Since then, its population has increased to 208 thousand people.

Economy of Lyubertsy

Lyubertsy has developed industrial production, mechanical engineering and metalworking, woodworking and food industry, production of building materials, helicopters.

What to see in Lyubertsy

Since the medieval years, several architectural monuments have been preserved in the city. For example, the church of the Kazan Mother of God, which was built in the 17th century. The Trinity Church of the beginning of the 20th century is also beautiful.

Another religious building, which according to legend was built in honor of the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo, is the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery of the 14th century. This is a whole complex of several structures. These are not all Orthodox buildings in the city, as there are many other temples in it.

There are several recreation areas in the city. For example, Natashinsky ponds or a recreation and culture park, where there is a military monument "To those who did not return from the war."

Attractions of Lyubertsy

Vvedenskaya Church, Triumph Sports Palace, N.A.Kruming House, Lyubertsy Palace of Culture, Lyubertsy Museum of Local Lore, Guardian Angel Monument, Monument Mass Grave of Fighters of Two Revolutions, Monument to Helicopter Heroes, Monument to Pilot N.I. Vlasov, Monument to a Fire Truck and a Water Pump, Church of the Trinity in Natashina, Temples St. Nicholas, Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery.

The largest cities in Russia:

Map of Moscow

Map of Moscow

Map of Saint Petersburg

Map of Saint Petersburg

Map of Novosibirsk

Map of Novosibirsk

Map of Yekaterinburg

Map of Yekaterinburg

Map of Nizhny Novgorod

Map of Nizhny Novgorod

Map of Kazan

Map of Kazan

Map of Samara

Map of Samara

Map of Krasnodar

Map of Krasnodar

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