Map of Russia

Map of Noginsk

Detailed interactive map of Noginsk. Map of Noginsk with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Noginsk with sights of the city.

The change between the satellite map of Noginsk and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.


The population of the city Noginsk: 102,267 people
The date of foundation of the city Noginsk: 1389.
The telephone code of the city Noginsk: +7 49651
Automobile code of the city Noginsk: 50, 90, 150, 190
Postal code of the city Noginsk: 142400

Noginsk is one of the settlements of the Moscow region, which began its history in the 14th century. Then it began to be built up and settled as a village, but later turned into a city. One of the most unusual phenomena of the city and its symbol is a single–track tram, the line of which stretches through the entire city.

It is worth coming to Noginsk at least for the sake of unity with nature and a secluded atmosphere. It has several parks that are called fabulous due to their atmosphere. For example, in Glukhovsky Park you can not only take a walking walk, but also take a boat ride along the Chernihiv pond.

There are several Orthodox churches in the city. One of them, Bogoyavlensky, stands on the riverbank, which is a white stone structure. Another church is a 19th–century prison church.

The sights of Noginsk: The Church of the Blessed Matron of Moscow, the Epiphany Cathedral, the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, Fountain Square, Kovershi Lake, Bridge of Lovers in Noginsk, Monument to Pimen in Noginsk, Borovoe Lake in Noginsk, Onion Lake, St. Basil the Great Church in the Nikolo-Berlyukovskaya Desert, the Holy Gate of the Nikolo-Berlyukovskaya Desert, the Museum of Local Lore.

The largest cities in Russia:

Map of Moscow

Map of Moscow

Map of Saint Petersburg

Map of Saint Petersburg

Map of Novosibirsk

Map of Novosibirsk

Map of Yekaterinburg

Map of Yekaterinburg

Map of Nizhny Novgorod

Map of Nizhny Novgorod

Map of Kazan

Map of Kazan

Map of Samara

Map of Samara

Map of Krasnodar

Map of Krasnodar

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