Map of Russia

Map of Rossosh

Detailed interactive map of Rossosh. Map of Rossosh with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Rossosh with sights of the city.

The change between the satellite map of Rossosh and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.


The population of Rossosh: 62,625 people (2020)
Date of foundation of Rossosh: XVII century.
Phone code of the city Rossosh: +7 47396
Rossosh automobile area code: 36, 136
Postal code of the city Rossosh: 396650

Rossosh is a city, the administrative center of the eponymous district of the Voronezh Region of the Russian Federation (Central District). The city is located on the East European Plain in the southern part of the Central Russian Upland, in the southwestern part of the Voronezh region, on the left bank of the Chernaya Kalitva River (right tributary of the Don River, bas. The Azov Sea) at the confluence with it on the left of the Sukhaya Rossosh River, 214 km south of the regional center – Voronezh.

Transport to Rossosh

Transport links: junction of highways – highways R-194 Ostrogozhsk–Kantemirovka, R-185 Rossosh–Novy Oskol and R-196 Rossosh–Podgorensky, there is a bus station; railway – railway station on the Liski—Millerovo line.

Distance from Rossosh to major cities

By road: Kursk ~ 325 km, Stary Oskol ~ 222 km, Alekseevka ~ 90 km, Moscow ~ 736 km, Lipetsk ~ 340 km, Voronezh ~ 210 km, Penza ~ 664 km, Tambov ~ 411 km, Borisoglebsk ~ 229 km, Valuiki ~ 134 km, Belgorod ~ 271 km, Kharkiv ~ 303 km, Saratov ~ 600 km, Mikhaylovka ~ 416 km, Kalach ~ 147 km, Lisichansk ~ 213 km, Lugansk ~ 233 km, Donetsk ~ 364 km, Shakhty ~ 358 km, Rostov-on-Don ~ 405 km, Krasnodar ~ 673 km, Boguchar ~ 128 km, Volgodonsk ~ 494 km, Volgograd ~ 599 km.

The history of Rossosh

The settlement was founded in the first quarter of the XVIII century by Cossacks of the Ostrogozhsky Sloboda Ukrainian regiment, as Sloboda Rossosh. By the beginning of the 19th century, the settlement was owned by the landowner Chertkov, and most of the inhabitants were serfs.

The development of the settlement was facilitated by the Voronezh—Rostov railway laid 5 km away (1871).Under Soviet rule, since 1923, Sloboda became a city, and by the end of the 1930s it was actively improving and developing social infrastructure. In the 1970s, the city's economy developed.

The economy of Rossosh

Currently, Rossosh is spread over an area of 5,906 hectares. Economic potential: electrical equipment plants, technological installations, mineral fertilizers, press units, enterprises of the agricultural complex and the food industry.

Sights of Rossosh

Temple complex - Alexander Nevsky Church (1876) and St. Ilinsky Temple (2006) , railway station (1871), monument to P. S. Rybalko (2013), Museum of Local Lore, Temple of Elijah the Prophet, City Park "Jubilee", Youth Center "Start", Monument to Marshal P. S. Rybalko, Stele "Populated military Valor Point", Yubileyny Park, RAMS Chamber Theater, Morozovsky Folk Theater.

The largest cities in Russia:

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Map of Moscow

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Map of Krasnodar

Map of Krasnodar

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