Map of Russia

Map of Taganrog

Detailed interactive map of Taganrog. Map of Taganrog with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Taganrog with sights of the city.

The change between the satellite map of Taganrog and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.


Population of Taganrog: 248,269 people (2021)
Date of foundation of Taganrog: 1698
Taganrog city phone code: +7 8634
Taganrog city car code: 61, 161
Postal code of Taganrog: 347900-347960

Taganrog is a port city in the Azov Sea, occupying the territory of the Rostov region between the Taganrog Bay of the Sea of Azov and the Miussky estuary. Today it is known in the south of Russia as a large industrial center, and its metallurgical plant is famous throughout Russia.

Taganrog districts

There are 5 districts in Taganrog: the Central District, the Northern District, the Western District, the Eastern District and the Northwestern District.

The economy of Taganrog

Taganrog has a developed metallurgical industry (Taganrog Metallurgical Plant), mechanical engineering, defense and automotive industries, chemical, light and food industries.

Transport in Taganrog

The railway runs through Taganrog to Rostov-on-Don and to the cities of the Donetsk region. The Rostov-Moscow and Lastochka Novorossiysk — Krasnodar — Rostov — Taganrog trains run daily.

The Rostov-on-Don— Vienna highway E58 passes through Taganrog. The city has a Taganrog commercial seaport, boat stations, and marinas.

Distance from Taganrog to major cities

By road: Makeyevka ~ 166 km, Donetsk ~ 176 km, Kharkiv ~ 456 km, Lugansk ~ 274 km, Voronezh ~ 635 km, Lipetsk ~ 691 km, Moscow ~ 1164 km, Volgograd ~ 551 km, Saratov ~ 944 km, Mariupol ~ 119 km, Zaporozhye ~ 339 km, Dnipro ~ 434 km , Rostov-on-Don ~ 72 km, Elista ~ 542 km, Astrakhan ~ 860 km, Simferopol ~ 562 km, Yevpatoria ~ 626 km, Sevastopol ~ 635 km, Krasnodar ~ 340 km, Tuapse ~ 509 km, Sochi ~ 633 km, Stavropol ~ 416 km, Pyatigorsk ~ 582 km, Vladikavkaz ~ 773 km.

Education in Taganrog

Taganrog's higher educational institutions include: the Engineering and Technological Academy of the Southern Federal University, the A. P. Chekhov Taganrog Institute (branch) of the Rostov State University of Economics (RINH), the Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics, 6 branches of other universities.

Taganrog culture

The city has a Museum of Local Lore, the Literary Museum of A. P. Chekhov, the Taganrog Art Museum, the Chekhov Drama Theater, the Taganrog Youth Theater, 4 palaces of culture and 5 palaces of sports.

What to see in Taganrog

The name of the greatest Russian writer, Chekhov, is also associated with Taganrog. The dramatic city theater was even named after him. In addition, the city has a museum of the writer and even a museum shop of the Chekhov family.

Chekhov was actively involved in the construction of some buildings. One of them is the Museum of Local Lore, which is considered one of the oldest in the southern region of the country. One of the symbolic places of the city is the Stone Staircase, where photo shoots of various subjects are traditionally organized. It is also where school leavers greet the dawn.

Sights of Taganrog

Trinity Fortress, Round House, Sea Staircase, Rafailovich House, Chekhov House, Stone Staircase, Tchaikovsky House, Teacher's House, Artemka Monument, Mayor's House, Mavrokordato House, Rabinovich House, Petrovsky Barracks, Central Beach, Gorky Park of Culture and Recreation, St. Paul of Taganrog Cell, Monument to Korolev and Gagarin, Monument to F. E. Dzerzhinsky, St. George's Church, Museum of Aviation Technology, Art Museum, Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Church of All Saints, Monument to Peter the Great, Antique Sundial, Stone Staircase, Round House, Turtle Island, Memorial of Glory on Sambek Heights.

The largest cities in Russia:

Map of Moscow

Map of Moscow

Map of Saint Petersburg

Map of Saint Petersburg

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Map of Novosibirsk

Map of Yekaterinburg

Map of Yekaterinburg

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Map of Krasnodar

Map of Krasnodar

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