Map of Russia

Map of Tolyatti

Detailed interactive map of Tolyatti. Map of Tolyatti with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Tolyatti with sights of the city.

The change between the satellite map of Tolyatti and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.


The population of the city Tolyatti: 693,072 people. (January 1, 2021)
Date of foundation Tolyatti: June 20, 1737.
Tolyatti city phone code: +7 8482
Togliatti city car code: 63, 163, 763
Postal code of the city Tolyatti: 445xxx
The airport of Tolyatti: Kurumoch Airport (KUF)

Tolyatti is a city in the Samara region. Most of the townspeople are Russians, but there is a small percentage of other nationalities. The city is known for such an industry as the automotive industry, as one of the main automobile companies in the country, AvtoVAZ, is located there.

Districts of Tolyatti

There are 3 districts in Tolyatti - Avtozavodsky district (New Town), Central District (Old Town) and Komsomolsk district (Komsomolsk).

The economy of Tolyatti

The automotive industry (AvtoVAZ), the food industry and the chemical industry (TolyattiAzot) are developed in Tolyatti.

Transport in Tolyatti

The M5 Ural highway passes through Tolyatti, which connects Siberia and the Far East with the Urals and the Volga region. Another road to Dimitrovgrad connects Tolyatti with the Ulyanovsk region.

The distance from Tolyatti to Moscow by Road is 985 km, to St. Petersburg - 1702 km, to Samara - 88 km.

The railway to Moscow, Syzran, Samara and Zhigulevsk passes through Tolyatti. Tolyatti has a port and a river station, as well as Kurumoch International Airport.

Education in Tolyatti

Tolyatti's higher educational institutions include Tolyatti State University, Volga State University of Service, Tolyatti Academy of Management, V. N. Tatishchev Volga State University, Tolyatti Institute of Arts, Volga Orthodox Institute, Branch of the Samara Humanitarian Academy, Branch of the Institute of Advanced Training of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Culture of Tolyatti

The city has the Tolyatti Museum of Local Lore, the Park Complex of the History of Technology named after K. G. Sakharov, the Museum of Historical and Cultural Heritage of Tolyatti, the Tolyatti Art Museum, the Tolyatti Puppet Theater, the Tolyatti Philharmonic, the city Symphony Orchestra, the conservatory.

What to see in Tolyatti

The sights of the city include the Tolyatti State University, which was awarded the Russian Government Prize in 2010. Wonderful museums bring diversity to the cultural life of Tolyatti. The best of them is located in the historical heart of the city – the museum of the city complex "Heritage".

Other museums of the city are the Museum of Local Lore, the Museum of Courage and the technical museum of AVTOVAZ. Of the cultural buildings, the Koleso Drama Theater is especially distinctive, where premieres are constantly held.

Tolyatti sights

The park complex of the history of technology named after K. G. Sakharov, the Grieving Angel, the Monument of Devotion, the Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the Obelisk of Glory in Tolyatti, the Transfiguration Cathedral, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Chapel in the name of the Holy Archangel Michael, the Stagecoach, the Tolyatti Art Museum, the Palace of Culture, Art and Creativity, the Resurrection Monastery, Museum of Local Lore, Zhigulevskaya TPP, Architectural complex "To the Creators of the city", Monument to V. N. Tatishchev, JSC AvtoVAZ, Heritage Museum Complex, Koleso Drama Theater, A. Stepanov Sports and Technical Complex.

The largest cities in Russia:

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