Detailed interactive map of Velikiy Novgorod. Map of Velikiy Novgorod with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Velikiy Novgorod with sights of the city.
The change between the satellite map of Velikiy Novgorod and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.
Population of Veliky Novgorod: 225,019 people (2021)
Date of foundation of Veliky Novgorod: 859
Veliky Novgorod city phone code: +7 8162
Automobile area code of Veliky Novgorod: 53
Postal code of Veliky Novgorod: 173000
Veliky Novgorod is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In 2009, it celebrated a memorable date – 1150 years since its foundation. Today it is a center of education and a city of military glory. For a long time it was just a fortress, performing a defensive function for the western and northern territories of Russia.
Veliky Novgorod is located on the Volkhov River. The distance from Veliky Novgorod to Moscow is 552 km, to St. Petersburg - 145 km, to Lake Ilmen - 6 km. The highways "Russia" E 105 M10, P56, 49A-04 and 41K-141 pass through Veliky Novgorod. The city is a major railway hub.
What to see in Veliky Novgorod
Since ancient times, many monuments have remained in Veliky Novgorod, reminiscent of the pages of the city's history. One of its main attractions is the architectural Kremlin ensemble, which managed to preserve its uniqueness and remain the most impressive monument in the history of the region. Other historical and architectural monuments of Veliky Novgorod are Yaroslavo Dvorishche with its ancient buildings, Znamensky Cathedral, St. Sophia Cathedral.
Sights of Veliky Novgorod
Znamensky Cathedral, Dukhov Monastery, Cathedral of Christ, Novgorod State Museum-Reserve, Novgorod Kremlin, Monument to the Millennium of Russia, St. George Monastery in Veliky Novgorod, Novgorod detinets, Rurikovo settlement, St. Sophia Cathedral, Vitoslavlitsy, Vladychnaya Chamber, Yaroslav's Courtyard.
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