Map of Russia

Map of Volzhsky

Detailed interactive map of Volzhsky. Map of Volzhsky with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Volzhsky with sights of the city.

The change between the satellite map of Volzhsky and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.


Population of the city Volzhsky: 323,853 people (2021)
Date of foundation of the city Volzhsky: 1951
The phone code of the city Volzhsky: +7 8443
Automobile code of the city Volzhsky: 34, 134
Postal code of the city Volzhsky: 404100-404133

Volzhsky is located in the Lower Volga region, in the Volgograd region, being a large industrial center. The city is located near Volgograd on the Akhtuba River.

The economy of Volzhsky

Volzhsky has developed energy (Volzhskaya HPP), chemical industry, ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, metalworking, food and light industry, furniture production.

Education in Volzhsky

Higher educational institutions of Volzhsky include branches of Russian universities: the Volzhsky Humanitarian Institute, the Volzhsky Polytechnic Institute, the Volzhsky branch of the Moscow Energy Institute, the Volzhsky branch of the International Law Institute, the Volzhsky Institute of Economics, Pedagogy and Law, the Moscow Institute of Advertising, Tourism and Show Business, a branch of the Modern Humanitarian Academy.

What to see in Volzhsky

Conditionally, the city can be divided into two parts – the old one, which is represented by a building of low buildings from the 50s of the 20th century, and the new one with houses of five floors and above.

The very center of Volzhsky is Lenin Square, which appeared in the city in the 80s. Today it is used for social events and celebrations. Around the square there are such significant buildings as the House of Culture, the Philharmonic Hall and a 22–storey hotel - the highest building of Volzhsky.

There is also a monument to Lenin, erected on the thirtieth anniversary of the city. For many, the symbol of Volzhskaya hydroelectric power station, which offers a panorama of the Volga and the neighboring city of Volgograd.

Sights of Volzhsky

Volzhskaya Hydroelectric Power Station (HPP), Gidrostroitel Park, Lenin Square, War Memorial, Old Mill, St. John the Theologian Church, Monument to the first tram of the city of Volzhsky, Museum of Local Lore, House of Culture "October", Monument to the First Builders of the Stalingrad HPP and the city of Volzhsky, Exhibition Hall named after G. V. Chernoskutov, Drama Theater, Fountain street, Workshop of sculptor Pyotr Lukich Malkov, Aqua Park "21st century", Museum and Exhibition complex.

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