Detailed interactive map of Zelenograd. Map of Zelenograd with streets and numbers of houses. Satellite map of Zelenograd with sights of the city.
The change between the satellite map of Zelenograd and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.
Date of foundation of Zelenograd: March 3, 1958
The population of Zelenograd: 250,173 people (2021)
The telephone code of Zelenograd: 495
The area of Zelenograd: 37.2
Zelenograd postal code: 124xxx
Zelenograd is a district of Moscow, which bears its name for a reason, because it is really very green. Therefore, it is called an ideal place of residence for those who adore nature and the abundance of greenery around.
Districts of Zelenograd
There are 5 districts in Zelenograd: Matushkino District, Savelka District, Staroe Kryukovo District, Silino District and Kryukovo District.
Education in Zelenograd
Zelenograd's higher education institutions include the National Research University "MIET" and the Institute of Business Administration and the Pedagogical Faculty of the Moscow City Pedagogical University.
The culture of Zelenograd
The city has a drama theater "Vedogon-Theater", the Zelenograd Cultural Center, the Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth, the MIETA House of Culture, Two exhibition halls, the Zelenograd Museum of Local Lore.
What to see in Zelenograd
Almost all the sights of the city are connected with nature. Each square or park of the city is unique in its own way, because in addition to plants there are sculptures, monuments and other interesting objects. For example, in the Kryukovsky Forest Park there is a stele installed on the 850th anniversary of Moscow.
The Zelenograd Sculpture Park, which is an open-air museum with sculptures created by ten masters, is also extremely interesting. And the most romantic place in the city is recognized as the Alley of Love with a wrought-iron tree, on which lovers hang locks as a sign of their love and loyalty.
The sights of Zelenograd
Zelenograd Forest Park, St. Nicholas Church, Vedogon Theater, Bayonets, Moscow Electric Lamp Factory, the State Zelenograd Museum of Local Lore, a Large City Pond, the Church of St. Nicholas of Myra, the Chapel of Sergius of Radonezh in Zelenograd, the Zelenograd Ice Palace.
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